Modeling & Simulation for Defence

A one day symposium at the Centre for Modeling & Simulation, Savitribai Phule Pune University.

18th February 2017

Selected Candidates

About the symposium

Modeling & Simulation has been an integral part of the all research and development activities. Defense sector is not an exception. We are inviting eminent speakers who could provide the overview of the state of Modeling and Simulations (M&S) in Defense sector. While doing so we hope to highlight the specific areas where M&S has been pivotal and where there is need for improvement. Also by means of this symposium we expect to boost the interaction between the academia and the Defense sector.

Eminent Speakers

Air Marshal Bhushan Gokhale PVSM, AVSM, VM (Retd)

Major General D. Kapil AVSM (Retd)

Dr. Kiran Akella

Kishore Jadhav

Mr. M.V. Ramesh Kumar


Dr. Sukratu Barve along with invited speakers.
Chairman: Air Marshal Bhushan Gokhale (Rtd)


Programme consists of Lectures and Panel discussion. Following timetable in tentative and is subject to changes.

0830-0900 Registration
0900-0935 Welcome & Opening
0940-1040 Simulation and war gaming Air Marshal Bhushan Gokhale
1040-1055 Tea Courtesy: University
1055-1155 M&S for Armament research Mr. M. V. Ramesh Kumar
1200-1300 Challenges in the simulations of impact and blast events Dr. Kiran Akella
1300-1400 Lunch Courtesy: University
1400-1500 Use of simulation in Electromagnetic Gun Development Kishore Jadhav
1505-1605 Tank Weapon Ballistics: From Mathematical Modeling to End User Software Maj. Gen. D. Kapil
1605-1630 Tea Courtesy: University
1630-1730 Panel Discussion Chairman: AM Bhushan Gokhale

Lunch and Tea will be offered by the University


List of Selected Candidates

Please read this carefully

The registration to the symposium is FREE but seats are limited. The committee will scrutinize the applications and select the participants. CMS reserves the right of admission.

Students & persons with established interest in M&S for defence, please register yourself below. Upon selection you'll hear from us via email.

Registartions are now closed. In case of queries please drop an email.

*All fields are mandatory

  • Contact:

    Dr. Bhalchandra Pujari

    Dr. Sukratu Barve

    Centre for Modeling & Simulation
    Savitribai Phule Pune University
    Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007
  • Email

    [email protected]
  • Phone

    (020) 2560 1448 (May not work)
  • How to reach venue?

    The Centre is located on the eastern side of the campus, behind the University Press and the Health Centre, and next to the Shishu Vihar School and the Centre for Information and Network Security (CINS). Click here for detailed route