Centre for Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Technical Report CMS-TR-20111030

Title Mining Patterns from Atomic Structure Data using PARAMINER : Preliminary Results
Author/s Sarvesh Nikumbh
Centre for Modeling and Simulation, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007 India
Abstract Given the atomic structure data, especially with semiconductors, physicists have been really inter- ested in studying the trapping phenomena observed in them since very early times for reasons well known. One can refer to a lot of literature involving such studies attempting different approaches with the aim of studying their effects on various aspects viz. the electrical properties. Since this data is ought to be large enough in size, it gives us a strong reason to believe in attempting a different approach – of mining patterns – to possibly identify them in the given structure or characterize their existence and its effects. We aim to tap the inherent regularity in these structures and identify the possible divergence from it.
Our aim for undertaking this work has been two-fold. Firstly, as a very initial step, we have attempted to study these atomic structures, starting with Silicon, for their regularities (patterns) and uncover certain parameters which can point out the existence of vacancies leading to slight perturbations in the effective bond-lengths. Secondly, the way this approach is brought to effect is with the help of a generic and parallel pattern mining algorithm – PARAMINER – in turn also analyzing PARAMINER’s genericity and performance. We believe this approach of mining patterns from atomic structure, though implemented for Silicon here, is extendable to others and can yield satisfactory results with minor customizations as need be. In this work, we present our observations and corresponding preliminary results.
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Citing This Document Sarvesh Nikumbh , Mining Patterns from Atomic Structure Data using PARAMINER : Preliminary Results . Technical Report CMS-TR-20111030 of the Centre for Modeling and Simulation, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411007, India (2011); available at http://864230.efsst.group/reports/.
Notes, Published Reference, Etc. Work done during a summer internship at INRIA, Rhone-Alpes, France for a duration of 2 months, June-July, 2011.
Contact sarvesh AT 864230.efsst.group
Supplementary Material Work done under supervision of: Prof. J-F. Mehaut (Team MESCAL, INRIA and LIG, UJF); Prof. Alexandre Termier (Team HADAS, LIG, UJF); Dr. Damien Caliste, and Dr. Thierry Deutsch (INAC, CEA, Grenoble).

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