Centre for Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

VASP Benchmark

Bidders are requested to do the benchmarking for VASP package using following two input sets. Bidder has to give the benchmarking results for both the input sets and in a format mentioned in the EoI.

Large input set

Here bidders have to do benchmarking on N/4, N/3 and N/2 nodes (N=Number of nodes proposed) using the file VASP (Large Input)

Instruction to run this job:

Small input set

Here bidders have to do benchmarking on 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 nodes using the file VASP (Small Input)

Instruction to run this job:

Information to run VASP job:
Compilation of gamma version is well documented in vasp manual which is available online.

Important Instruction

For any clarification regarding VASP benchmarking, the bidders are advised to contact

Dr. Kavita Joshi: [email protected]
Prof. Anjali Kshirsagar : [email protected]
Dr. Deepak Bankar : [email protected]

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