Applications are invited for one Post of Project Assistant (PA) under DST-PURSE grant at the Centre for Modeling and Simulation.
Duration of the Position
Till the end of project (31st March 2013)
15,000 p. m. (fixed)
Eligibility and Necessary Qualification
M.Sc. degree in Physics/Chemistry/Scientific Computing/Computer Science. Experience of working on different computer programming packages and operating systems will be desirable.
Walk-in Interviews on 17th September 2012 at 11:30.
Send us an intimation e-mail that you are attending the interview on or before 15th September 2012 to office AT
Bring hard copy of your resume which should include, in the least: full name, contact information
(address, email and a phone number if available), date of birth,
educational qualification and relevant experience.
Candidates are requested to appear for an interview at their own expense. No separate
interview call letter will be sent. The selected candidate is
expected to join within one week of the date of the offer letter.
Date of this Advertisment
September 07, 2012 |
Director, Centre for Modeling and Simulation
office AT |
(20).2569.0842 • (20).2560.1448 • 1448 (Campus)